2009年9月4日 星期五

PPStream PPSMediaList Activex 0day exploit

PPStream is the most huge p2p media player in the world.
There are two hundred million ppstream users in the world.
The vulnerability is exploitable,but I have no time to make it,you could visit my blog for detail.^@^
welcome to http://0dayexpose.blogspot.com/
COM Object - {D22DE742-04CD-4B5C-A8A3-82AB3DAEC43D} PPSMediaList Control
COM Object Filename : C:\PROGRA~1\PPStream\MList.ocx
RegKey Safe for Script: True
RegkeySafe for Init: True
KillBitSet: False
Company Name        : PPStream Inc.
Version                : V2.6.86.8900
Web Site            : http://www.ppstream.com

此exploit原作者已刊登至 milw0rm (1) (2)

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轉載自 0dayexpose 原文